Travelling in 2024

Let’s travel and experience the wonders of Borneo.

Updated 13th January 2024TRAVELLING TO MALAYSIA


Starting from the 1st January 2023, there will be an imposition of tourism tax on foreigners staying at the registered premise. The charges are RM10.00 (Ten Ringgit Malaysian) per room per night for all foreign passport holders.

An Exemption from payment of tourism tax are:

Side note: It would be great to have small change upon checking in.


Updated COVID-19 SOP for Travellers

Updated COVID-19 Advisory as per 19 Jan 2023
The Sabah State Cabinet has announced that foreign tourists are no longer required to undergo a pre-entry COVID-19 screening test or present a vaccination certificate when entering Sabah.

No more Covid-19 travel requirements to enter Sabah, says Liew
Sabah scraps pre-departure testing, vaccine cert for travellers


Our Flexibility Promise - Postponed Travel

Our Flexibility PromisePostponed Travel

You were about to book your flight when your boss’s fish just died and you were rejected for leave. Sometimes there are situations that can't be avoided and the need to postpone the trip. We get it. Hence why there won't be additional charges from us.

However, there may be cancellation and amendment fees imposed by our suppliers and is likely due to the nature of the tour, caused by seasonal increase and availability of accommodation. You can count on us on working together, as most of our suppliers are happy to be flexible as we are.

See you soon!

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